MyLife Tracking FAQs

1. Which tracking devices & apps are supported by MyLife?

2. What is the recommended set-up of wearable trackers on iOS & Android?

  • iOS If using an Apple Watch, Garmin, Huawei, Xiaomi or any other tracker that can sync with the Health App, we recommend syncing it to the Health App. This will then transfer your activity to MyLife. Follow these steps for set-up:
  1. Open MyLife & on the Me Today screen tap Track > TrackingDevices/Apps
  2. Tap Health App to connect. You will be prompted to select what information you wish to share with MyLife
  3. Open your Health App & tap on the user profile picture, then tap Apps
  4. Select your tracker (e.g. Garmin) & select which data will be sent to the Health App
  • Android If using a Fitbit, Garmin, Withings or TOMTOM we recommend that you connect your tracker directly to MyLife. Follow these steps for set-up:
  1. On MyLife go to Settings >Help & Content > Auto StepCounter to ensure the automatic steptracker is off
  2. On MyLife tap on Track > TrackingDevices/Apps & select the tracker you wish to connect
  3. Tap on Initialise connection & follow the instructions on the tracker's webpage to finalise the connection

If your tracker cannot connect directly to MyLife (Huawei, Xiaomi, etc.), you will be able to connect these apps to Samsung Health & connect Samsung to MyLife.

3. No wearable tracker? No problem! 

  • iOS Connect Apple Health to MyLife & your iPhone’s pedometer will send steps while in your pocket
  • Android Samsung phone users can connect to Samsung Health which will send steps tracked by your phone. Other Android users can use the Auto Step Tracker by tapping Settings > Help & Content > Auto Step Tracker

4. When should I use the Tracking function on MyLife?

  • You only need to use this function when tracking a specific activity (e.g. walks, runs, hikes). Your phone's GPS should pick up any other day-to-day distance
  • If you do not have a wearable device and are using the MyLife app to track your activity, you do not need to have the app tracking on all day

5. My steps/distance haven't tracked, should I disconnect my wearable tracker?

  • Please do not disconnect your tracking device if advised to do so by the MyLife Support Team
  • It can take up to 24 hours for all distances to sync. If your steps and distance are not syncing you may need to open your tracker app (Fitbit, Garmin, etc.) to refresh and this should force a sync with MyLife
  • Please note that disconnecting and reconnecting your tracking device can lead to all previously captured steps and distance being removed

6. The challenge leader board doesn't looks accurate

  • If you notice any data tracking early in the challenge, this may be because a user is travelling in a different time zone, or has their Fitbit app set to another time zone. MyLife takes a percentage of the tracked activity from the time the challenge starts in their time zone. This also means that all users have the same amount of time in the challenge, so if the challenge has started early for a user it ends earlier too
  • When taking part in a MyLife challenge, please note that the leader board does not update in realtime, it can take up to 24 hours for some steps and distances to sync
  • Any irregular distances being tracked are flagged by our system and are then reviewed and verified. If necessary, irregular distances will be removed from the challenge leader board